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Pace Technology in the Rental Industry

Monitor Vehicles on Rent

With Pace Technology™, rental companies no longer have to blindly loan vehicles to facilities. Fleet managers are able to review the status and location of their rental vehicles anytime, anywhere. See why Pace Technology is a must for any rental fleet.

Pace Technology on a Cushman Shuttle

Utility Vehicles

Pace Technology provides insight into how rental crews may be using the rental fleet during their reservation period. If fleet managers receive vehicle alerts from the rented vehicle, they can quickly contact the customer to resolve any issues.

Keep track of rental utility vehicles with active monitoring to allow owners to view the location of their utility vehicle while they are on loan.

  • View real-time location of utility vehicles
  • Schedule vehicle lockdowns
  • Easily secure vehicles for pick-ups and drop-offs
  • Analyze travel history and vehicle reports
  • Control user access by assigning renters to vehicles
  • Proactively monitor vehicles with maintenance reminders


Rent out shuttles to be used for festivals and events and be reassured that renters are using them in accordance to the terms and conditions the owners may have.

Track shuttle locations anytime, anywhere to ensure fan transport is running smoothly.

  • View real-time location of shuttle vehicles
  • Analyze travel history and vehicle reports
  • Restrict areas with vehicle boundary zones
  • Control user access by assigning shuttle drivers to vehicles
  • Generate revenue by displaying ads to fans
  • Provide maps to guide drivers

Golf Carts

Golf carts are perfect for tourism rentals, so easily secure them with Pace Technology. Provide visitors the perfect beach cruiser by adding solutions designed to improve their experience.

Focus on renter experience by providing features visitors can look forward to as they explore the area.

  • Provide site maps on screens for newcomers to navigate the area
  • Stream music with Bluetooth connection or radio
  • Generate revenue by displaying ads to tourists
  • View real-time location of vehicles on loan
  • Schedule vehicle lockdowns
  • Control user access by assigning renters to vehicles
  • Proactively monitor vehicles with maintenance reminders

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Set the Pace

The Pace Technology team is ready to help you find new ways to optimize fleet operations and drive additional revenue.